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Acceptance February 21, 2010

Posted by Sun-Moon in Being Present, Meditations, Simple Mindfulness, Uncategorized.
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So often we move through life looking outward for our perspective, for meaning  and for our answers. How remarkable one moment can be when you are present  enough for your focus to go inside. Here is where acceptance starts. Not in your thoughts or ego assessments, not in the hurry of assigning more meaning to one thing over another, not in avoiding through addictive behavior or through feeding on your conditioning.

True acceptance is very simple, clean, revealing, clearing, refreshing, calming and starts inside. All it takes is accepting everything just as it is. Giving life its space in our dream we are experiencing. Breathing space around your conditioned moments, finding where inside of you that these conditioned moments attach and then breathing space around what you are feeling/thinking. Relaxing and letting go of how you should proceed and let the answers that you innately have express themselves.

Test it out. Next time you feel: angry, withdrawn, grasping at something, entitled pride, withholding love, fear, less than, overwhelmed; stop and breathe, close your eyes, find the spot within you that is tight and hanging on and breathe space around that spot/space.

It may take a few tries to calm yourself enough to feel the shift. If you give it a go and give yourself permission to become aware of when you shift into a self made experience, you will catch yourself and create opportunity to heal and be accepting.

We need to accept ourselves and heal ourselves in order to accept what is outside of us, just as it is.

Peace and Light.

Welcoming the New Year January 1, 2009

Posted by Sun-Moon in Simple Mindfulness.
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With all the hoopla of transitioning from 08 to 09 including numbing out fears and anxiety; we do have an opportunity to take a few moments and focus on our present experience. 

It has been long known that our point of power is in the present, the current moment; the past is only a memory and the future does not exist so we are left with the now as our truth.

After deep inquiry one can distill one’s actions that focus outside of the present as an addiction to the illusory. Anything that detracts us from the present moment is not real, not truth, but stuff of stimulating the ego. In order to get past the ego and find your truth there needs to be self-inquiry and self-observation. 

Practice for a few minutes a day. To obsess over the practice only puts you back into illusion. First we learn to crawl, then walk, then we run.

Meditation is a tool, which if used to align oneself to the present moment can strengthen one’s ability to self observe.  As a reminder, do not let the ego then turn this concept onto others. This is for “self-observation” not a tool of the ego.

 “Self-observation brings man to the realization of the necessity of self-change. And in observing himself a man notices that self-observation itself brings about certain changes in his inner processes. He begins to understand that self-observation is an instrument of self-change, a means of awakening.” – G.I. Gurdjieff

Peace be to you!